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InstaNote makes note taking in meetings as easy as a single touch. Note taking could be distracting – you miss out on ongoing conversation; it’s difficult to take high quality notes; you slow down the meeting. InstaNote takes notes for you. When you heard something important, with a simple touch, InstaNote captures the last 30 seconds (configurable) of audio and transcribe it when possible.
Instanote is for Windows 8.1/10 PC or tablet.
New feature: Snap the app to the side of laptop screen, or have it run behind other windows. It will keep running if you do not minimize or close the app.
Switch between your Mac and phone apps whenever you like. Handy for meetings or lectures, and a big win for your productivity. I also love how I can quickly access my notes with my phone, ipad and Mac. Makes my life so much more organized! I was able to review a 5 hour meeting in less than 30 minutes. This $5 iOS and Mac app lets you enter the names of meeting attendees (or import them from your calendar or Apple contacts) and add notes about their contributions. Meeting Pad also lets you create.
Meet the team
Generate rich notes for meetings, interviews, lectures, and other important voice conversations with Otter, your AI-powered assistant. Zoom, the cloud meeting company, unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and group messaging into one easy-to-use platform.Take advantage of a complete solution that includes video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across ZoomPresence, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems. Note taking could be distracting – you miss out on ongoing conversation; it’s difficult to take high quality notes; you slow down the meeting. InstaNote takes notes for you. When you heard something important, with a simple touch, InstaNote captures the last 30 seconds (configurable) of audio and transcribe it.
Mac Meeting Notes App Template
Jie Liu (Program Manager) Gaurang Prajapati (Designer), Michal Gabor (Developer), Mayur Dalal (Developer)
Mac Meeting Notes App Download

Applications and Services Group
Notes For Mac
Redmond, WA